I first want to outline the difference between the colour vision of bees and the one of humans. People can see colour with wavelengths ranging between 400 nanometers and 700 nanometers which correspond to the colours red (700nm) to purple (400nm). Bees on the other hand can see light ranging from 300 nanometers to 600 nanometers in wavelength, corresponding to a kind of orange-yellowish (600nm) to ultraviolet (300nm).
Knowing that bees can see ultraviolet colour and colour combinations (such as bee's purple, a combination of yellow and ultraviolet), led to the discovery that flowers actually do use ultraviolet colour to indicate nectar source as well as landing stripes for bees! This reveals that the true beauty of flowers (which are great symbols of beauty) is actually invisible to us humans! There are beautiful patterns which we can't see on flowers. You might have heard the quote: "Only Beauty will save the world." This is a great quote and it takes a new meaning under the understanding that there is beauty beyond our perceptions. It means that this beauty that will save the world actually lies beyond our perception, understanding, and sight. Here is another aspect concerning UV light in this video. Flowers not only reflect and use ultraviolet light and colour, but they also absorb part of it which is then transformed in the flower through fluorescence into visible (visible for humans) light that the flower emits. I include a few pictures I took myself demonstrating this. I hope you enjoy and that this adds even more to your understanding of apitherapy, the bees and the amazing knowledge they give us!
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A beehive is an immortal being. This sounds odd, especially nowadays when we often hear that honeybees are dying by millions! Nevertheless, this video describes how bees deciphered this enigma of immortal life.Paragraph.
First of all, in order to understand how bees become immortal, you have to see a beehive as one being instead of considering every bee as a separate being. Of course, each individual bees aren't immortal, it is a full beehive that is immortal, renewing all its body cells (the bees in the hive) regularly. Most beekeepers consider a beehive as a whole, as an individual being. Of course advertising and a few movies are propagating the perspective that a honeybee can live alone as an individual, but it isn't the case at all. The beehives secret is hidden in the purity of their products. Indeed, diseases appear when impurities get in our system from one way or another. By living surrounded only by extremely pure substances, a beehive can reach immortality, again, renewing all its cells (the bees including the queen bee) regularly. Let's have a look at the 4 main bee products and see how they demonstrate their high purity level. - Royal Jelly: In the case of royal jelly, the clearest fact that shows its purity is the following. When a queen bee is feeding only on royal jelly which is the usual, it has no dejections at all!!! It does not have to reject any part of it! It is such pure food that the queen bee use it entirely! - Honey: You must have heard that honey have been found in Egypt Pyramids. Honey that was 4000 years old and that was still good! Nothing more needs to be said. - Pollen: Pollen which is the protein source for bees, is the freshest source of protein you could find. It is younger than a fruit, younger than a seed, younger than a leaf, it is literally at the very beginning of life. It is the substance that fertilizes a flower for it to eventually become a fruit that will contain the seeds for new plants to grow. The fact that it is a substance that is at the genesis of plant life shows that it did not grow old in any way, it did not receive any stress from free radicals, it is pure. - Propolis: Bees harvest natural substances from plants to make their medicine called propolis. That propolis is not only 100% made from natural products, it is actually used by bee to purify the entire beehive from bacterias, viruses, molds and so on. It cleans the beehive surfaces as well as the ambiant air of the hive, thanks to its volatile components. Of course, there are more bee products and we could go on like that for a while, but these are the main ones. They show clearly how bees live surrounded by pure products only. One could ask: why are they in danger if they are immortal? The answer is simple, we, us, humanity caused this. First with pesticides, which is number one among impurities, but also through the spread of diseases through bad beekeeping practices. This is a sad point, but it is important to understand it well in order to make the necessary changes that will allow us to work harmoniously with the bees. This is my first video on my new "Happy-Culture Apitherapy" youtube channel! I'm presenting an advanced perspective of nutrition that bees are constantly teaching us. All we have to do is observe how they do and figure it out! This video is meant as an inspiring introduction to the more practical apitherapy videos that will come up soon.
There are 3 mains points regarding the special way bees are feeding: - First, they live in a world of poetry! They really do! Since they feed only on flowers, as soon as they fly out the beehive, the only thing they have in mind is "flowers". Flowers are so pretty, beautifully coloured, their perfume seems to be the origin of perfume itself, flowers are simple wonderful! Think about it for a few minutes: you fly from flower to flower, tracing your food from those paradise-like features... isn't this poetry applied to feeding? - The second point is about the peaceful nature of bees. There is only one exception, starving condition brings bees to be more agressive to protect their food source... this is what made killer bees and africanized bees so feared. Other then under high food scarcity circumstances, bees are absolutely peaceful and that shows even in their feeding behaviour. Yes, they actually eat without damaging any living being, they won't even destroy a single leaf! That is because they aim for one of the most subtil part of a plant, its flower. Then, they don't even eat the flower itself, but they go for the nectar and pollen that have been prepared specifically for them! Nothing damage! - The final point is the most amazing one! Now, everyone has this image of nutrition: we have to eat and absorb a certain form of life or at least part of a life form in order to sustain ourselves and gain the energy, the food material to remain active and keep up with our life. Well, the bees reversed this equation. When bees are feeding on a plant, harvesting pollen and nectar, they are actually pollinating that same plant, that very flower. While they do this, they don't deplete it at all, rather, they multiply the flower, the plant by pollinating it! After pollination, the flower will be able to grow into some kind of fruit containing the seeds to spread itself and multiply! So the bees, instead of depleting a form of life while feeding, they actually increase the life potential of the plant it is feeding on drastically! For some plant species, it is actually necessary to be pollinated by bees! Now, you know 3 points that makes bees a true exemple in terms of advanced nutrition!!! Of course, there are more points like the ones mentioning the high nutritional value of pollen and honey, but that is for another time. This video is simply to inspire all of us to learn even more about bees! Thank you for watching! Don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe and activate the notification bell! See you next time for another bee/apitherapy video! |