I first want to outline the difference between the colour vision of bees and the one of humans. People can see colour with wavelengths ranging between 400 nanometers and 700 nanometers which correspond to the colours red (700nm) to purple (400nm). Bees on the other hand can see light ranging from 300 nanometers to 600 nanometers in wavelength, corresponding to a kind of orange-yellowish (600nm) to ultraviolet (300nm).
Knowing that bees can see ultraviolet colour and colour combinations (such as bee's purple, a combination of yellow and ultraviolet), led to the discovery that flowers actually do use ultraviolet colour to indicate nectar source as well as landing stripes for bees! This reveals that the true beauty of flowers (which are great symbols of beauty) is actually invisible to us humans! There are beautiful patterns which we can't see on flowers. You might have heard the quote: "Only Beauty will save the world." This is a great quote and it takes a new meaning under the understanding that there is beauty beyond our perceptions. It means that this beauty that will save the world actually lies beyond our perception, understanding, and sight. Here is another aspect concerning UV light in this video. Flowers not only reflect and use ultraviolet light and colour, but they also absorb part of it which is then transformed in the flower through fluorescence into visible (visible for humans) light that the flower emits. I include a few pictures I took myself demonstrating this. I hope you enjoy and that this adds even more to your understanding of apitherapy, the bees and the amazing knowledge they give us! Best way to clean the air you breathe from its microbial load while breathing in all the therapeutical benefits of propolis.
A beehive is an immortal being. This sounds odd, especially nowadays when we often hear that honeybees are dying by millions! Nevertheless, this video describes how bees deciphered this enigma of immortal life.Paragraph.
First of all, in order to understand how bees become immortal, you have to see a beehive as one being instead of considering every bee as a separate being. Of course, each individual bees aren't immortal, it is a full beehive that is immortal, renewing all its body cells (the bees in the hive) regularly. Most beekeepers consider a beehive as a whole, as an individual being. Of course advertising and a few movies are propagating the perspective that a honeybee can live alone as an individual, but it isn't the case at all. The beehives secret is hidden in the purity of their products. Indeed, diseases appear when impurities get in our system from one way or another. By living surrounded only by extremely pure substances, a beehive can reach immortality, again, renewing all its cells (the bees including the queen bee) regularly. Let's have a look at the 4 main bee products and see how they demonstrate their high purity level. - Royal Jelly: In the case of royal jelly, the clearest fact that shows its purity is the following. When a queen bee is feeding only on royal jelly which is the usual, it has no dejections at all!!! It does not have to reject any part of it! It is such pure food that the queen bee use it entirely! - Honey: You must have heard that honey have been found in Egypt Pyramids. Honey that was 4000 years old and that was still good! Nothing more needs to be said. - Pollen: Pollen which is the protein source for bees, is the freshest source of protein you could find. It is younger than a fruit, younger than a seed, younger than a leaf, it is literally at the very beginning of life. It is the substance that fertilizes a flower for it to eventually become a fruit that will contain the seeds for new plants to grow. The fact that it is a substance that is at the genesis of plant life shows that it did not grow old in any way, it did not receive any stress from free radicals, it is pure. - Propolis: Bees harvest natural substances from plants to make their medicine called propolis. That propolis is not only 100% made from natural products, it is actually used by bee to purify the entire beehive from bacterias, viruses, molds and so on. It cleans the beehive surfaces as well as the ambiant air of the hive, thanks to its volatile components. Of course, there are more bee products and we could go on like that for a while, but these are the main ones. They show clearly how bees live surrounded by pure products only. One could ask: why are they in danger if they are immortal? The answer is simple, we, us, humanity caused this. First with pesticides, which is number one among impurities, but also through the spread of diseases through bad beekeeping practices. This is a sad point, but it is important to understand it well in order to make the necessary changes that will allow us to work harmoniously with the bees. Kontak, the Italien company that invented and designed the Propolair Propolis Diffusers did many scientific tests and studies with the Propolair devices. This is the first of a series of blogposts presenting those studies. This study has been conducted by the Public Health Department of Collegno e Pinerolo, Italy and was published in February 1996. The results reveal the exceptional potential of those Propolis Diffusers to reduce the Airborne Microbial Load in a room. To make the point clear, they choose a classroom filled with kids in winter time. As you can see on the graph showcasing the results of the study, the longer the Propolair Propolis Diffuser was used, the greater impact it had on the microbial load in the classroom. Indeed, after 3 continuous days using the Propolair device in a classroom, the microbial load went down to only 28.8% of what it was initially! On the graph, we can appreciate the efficiency steadily increasing day after day. Imagine what it will do in your office, bedroom, work area, etc. In a time where COVID complicates our lives and make some of us clean everything regularly, the Propolair device can certainly play its part on the airborne microbial load where we work, sleep and live.
This video brings a very important answer to the recurrent question coming not only from vegans, but from most of us:
"Is it legitimate to harvest honey, pollen and propolis from bees?" Most of the time, this question comes from two different perspectives: - Aren't we simply stealing their precious resources? - Is it a violation to the bees organization and life? This question is around since a really long time and I wanted to give it the best answer possible with the knowledge available nowadays. The answer is neither "no" nor "yes", because it is sometimes yes and sometimes no. There are many factors to consider if you are really interested to the ethical side of beekeeping. In this video, I give many of those factors. Of course, there are more, but I'm presenting the most important ones for the moment. Let me write down a few of the points I cover in the video: Honey: Honey is the most known bee product and sometimes people think only about honey when they hear about bees. For that reason, I will include some of the most generic factors under the honey category, but keep in mind that most of the factors given under this category apply also to pollen and propolis. - A beekeeper must make sure his bees live in a place of abundance of natural, diverse and rich food. - A beekeeper must make sure his bees are not in the presence of pesticides. - A beekeeper must have a set of beekeeping methods that are non-violent for the bees. - A beekeeper must make sure he preserves the quality of "his" honey in order to respect the work of "his" bees. Pollen: Regarding pollen, the most important point is that a beekeeper has to make sure that there is a constant abundance of beebread (pollen transformed by the bees inside the beehive) inside every beehive from which he does harvest bee pollen from. This is critical since it is the food for all baby bees!!! Propolis: For propolis, believe it or not, the beekeeper has to stop selecting bees that produce too little propolis!!! This one is a tricky one since beekeepers, for a long time always thought that bees producing the least propolis were the best ones. It makes it easier to work in a beehive when there is less propolis in it. There is a whole lot of education that needs to be done here! Why is a Propolis Diffuser the most natural and effective way to purify your air at home and meanwhile get an exceptional immune booster? Because nature invented the propolis diffuser principle a long time before men!!! Bees actually invented this principle about 90,000,000 years ago and they keep using it. Not that many animal species made it this far! The bees propolis trick might have played a very important role into this. With the Propolis Diffuser, men simply brought the same technique available for our own homes, learning from the bees themselves. A very important part of the bees immune system is actually made of what we call their "Propolis Envelope". In nature, bees very often nest in hollow trees. The first thing they do once they get into their hollow tree is to form an enveloppe made with propolis. They build their beeswax nest inside this envelope which they maintain and adapt as the beehive grows. At all time, this propolis is diffusing its active volatile ingredients into the ambiant air of the beehive. This "Propolised Air" has two mechanisms of actions: Air Purifier + Immune Booster Scientific studies led by Pr Marla Spivak from the University of Minnesota have been published proving that this propolis envelope has these two effects. The "Air Purifier" action is proved by the fact that bees inside beehives equipped with such propolis envelope have significantly lower transcript abundances for two immune related genes, hymenoptaecin and AmEater. This means that the air purifying action of propolis is getting rid of so many airborne microbes, viruses, molds and so on that the immune system of bees can calm down since they are facing less agressions. The "Immune Booster" action is proved by another study led by Pr Marla Spivak. In this study, healthy bees has been exposed to a fungal pathogen which cause what we call as beekeepers "chalkbrood disease" where the bees pupae get somehow mummified and die. Results indicated that bees living in a beehive with a propolis envelope had 7 times less mummified pupae than the ones without it! This proves the incredible boost effect this propolis envelope has on the bees immune system when it is needed. It also indicates the "immunomodulator" nature of propolis, since we outlined in the "Air Purifier" point that it also calms the immune system when it is not needed. Another similar study has been conducted by the same Pr Spivak to prove this effect not only on fungal pathogen but also on bacteria induced diseased. They chose to work with one of the worst bee disease to prove their point, American Foulbrood, a disease I wish to no bees! Again, same type of results, bees living in a beehive with propolis envelope had a reduced level of American Foulbrood clinical signs as well as a greater antimicrobial activity of larval food. This last bit suggests that either the active volatile components of the propolis envelope are so present that they actually partly go inside the larval food or that the nursing bees exposed to this "propolised air" are able to add some antimicrobial components to the larval food! This is absolutely amazing! It is interesting to know, as I outlined in this click-to-go post on Propolis, that for the past decades, beekeepers in North America have been selecting bees harvesting the least resin possible simply because it is sticky when opening the beehives!!! That means they have been creating breeds of bees with targeted weak immune system!!! Time to change things! Now you understand what I meant by "Bees invented the Propolair Propolis Diffuser Principle". A propolis diffuser is the way to imitate the bees and use this propolis to fill up the air we live in with the volatile active components of propolis. As it has been demonstrated, it has two mechanisms of action: Air Purifier and Immune Booster. With a propolis diffuser, you will benefit from the same support as bees with their propolis envelope. You clean your air from airborne microbes, molds, viruses, bacterias... and in the meantime, you get this immunomodulator property of propolis directly through your breathing system. To learn more about Pr Marla Spivak's studies on propolis for honeybee health, watch the following video. It is a webinar organized by BrushyMountainBeeFarm that has been given by Pr Spivak herself presenting lots about the work she has been spearheading at the University of Minnesota. Here is the University website address where you can find more information about her ongoing work: https://www.beelab.umn.edu To view our available Propolis Diffusers, click on this link. To compare an aroma diffuser with a Propolair Propolis Diffuser, click on this link to see my post about this topic. In this video, I first explain very well where propolis is coming from and how the bees create it. I also give a little bit about the various types of propolis that are directly related to the botanical origin of the raw material the bees collect before actually making their propolis.
Then, I explain a very important topic that is very often overlooked. It is the fact that most beekeepers are actually selecting breeds of bees that collect as little propolis as possible! Why? One simple reason... the lesser propolis there is in a beehive, the easier it is to work in the beehive. Propolis does get all the frames pretty sticky in the beehive. This means that beekeepers are actually selecting bees with the lowest immune system possible!!! I end the video by outlining a beautiful analogy between Propolis and our aura. I let you discover the beauty of this analogy by watching the video. In this post we will compare an Aroma Diffuser with a Propolair Propolis Diffuser in 6 sections:
- Description of an Aroma Diffuser - Advantages of an Aroma Diffuser - Disadvantages of an Aroma Diffuser - Description of a Propolair Propolis Diffuser - Advantages of a Propolair Propolis Diffuser - Disadvantages of a Propolair Propolis Diffuser Aromatherapy and Aroma Diffusers Nowadays, when we talk, search and hear about Diffusers, we usually mean by "diffuser" an Aromatherapy Diffuser that is meant to use with essential oils. Note that you cannot use propolis in your Aroma Diffuser, in order to use propolis in a diffuser, you need a Propolair Propolis Diffuser. Essential oils are extracted from various plants that are usually rich in essential oils and most of them will be defined as medicinal plants. Essential oils are amazingly powerful! In order to be extracted, one needs a lot of material and of course the plant source itself. There is an entire alternative medicine practice called aromatherapy that is dedicated to the use of essential oils. This discipline is gaining in popularity year after year. Advantages of an Aroma Diffuser 1- What is exceptional with aromatherapy from my point of view is the diversity of oils. It is one of the greatest asset of aromatherapy since each essential oil can be analyzed, studied, categorized and classified to pinpoint specific health issues, problems and conditions. 2- Another great plus with Essential Oils is their power. Most are extremely concentrated, some to the point that you can not take directly orally or apply topically directly on the skin. An Aroma Diffuser will use both those first two advantages! You can choose exactly what essential oil you need or like and they will be very strong, efficient and powerful for the particular function they are assigned to fulfil. 3- Since they are really well known and common, you can find some really cheap ones and buying the diffuser itself won't necessarily be costly. Disadvantages of an Aroma Diffuser 1- Remember we just mentioned that they are powerful. Well, if you don't like strong fragrances, this will end up being a drawback. The presence of their active components in the ambiant air they are filling will be proportinate to the strong fragrance they give. When you think about it for a couple of minutes, yes, you might like the smell of a certain plant or essential oil, but if you are planning to use your diffuser very often to sanitize and purify the air you are breathing, you might end up having enough of that smell. This drawback is getting more and more of a concern, as so many people are now looking for an air purifier for mold, allergies, but most of all lately, for an air cleaner that will help preventing flu, cold, and all those diseases that makes us cough. Of course, the Covid-19 acted like a wake up call to bring us to realize that their are actually natural ways to clean the air we breath from airborne microbes, bacterias, viruses and so on. This type of usage means that you will want to use your diffuser very very often! Think about the fragrance drawback twice since it might end up keeping you from using your diffuser when you need it. 2- The fact that there are so many different essential oils is a great asset for sure, no doubt here. That being said, many people find out after a while that accessing good information and finding real specialists on essential oils is not that simple! This variety of product sometimes end up like a problem. Which one will be really effective for this or that? The answer might not be that simple for everyone. That great advantage might again turn into a disadvantage into daily life since most of us are very busy and won't have the actual time to complete an entire research for each little problem we will encounter or each essential oil on the market. 3- Today, there are essential oils everywhere. New companies selling essential oils pop up every month. When this happens, competition rises and prices go down. One could think that seing prices going down is a great thing... I rather disagree with this. Remember that every company is making the necessary profit to continue and the bigger companies usually make more profit. If the prices are going down, where will they make their profit margin you think? Yes, you're guessing right, the quality of the product is going down. There are many many essential oil companies today that are diluting the product with other vegetal oils and other solvents. Do not underestimate this drawback since it is in my perspective the worst one. I'm working with bee products since many years now and I can tell you as a general guideline that the bigger a company is, the worst their products will be. There are exceptions to this, but they are more rare than one would think. It took me years to understand who is selling real high quality bee products in Canada... so many hidden consumer traps out there! This is my experience and I talked with people involved in the essential oils domain and they told me it is the same type of situation. Don't think that this applies only to Canada, sadly, it is almost everywhere now. 4- China made products. High competition and cheap products often means that China got involved or any country with a similar situation. Many aroma diffusers will be made in China, check for that simply because the product quality is usually very questionable, that's without mentioning the ethic level of it all. PROPOLAIR Propolis Diffuser The Propolair Propolis Diffuser is meant to use Propolis, a totally different substance then essential oils although there is a slight concentration of essential oils in propolis. Honeybees gather resin from trees, usually more abundant from the buds of specific trees, poplar trees being the main worldwide source of this resin. Once bees gather this substance, they then mix it with some of their saliva and beeswax, creating PROPOLIS. Why do bees make propolis? Simply because they also need some medicine. Bees have lived on earth since more than 90,000,000 years. They needed good medicine to make it this far! They certainly know what part of a plant is the most effective as a medicine. Once they create their propolis, they apply a thin layer of it everywhere in their beehive and they seal any opening that potential foreign bacterias and alien contaminant could use to invade the beehive. Since propolis contains lots of volatile active components, part of the propolis they "painted" everywhere in their beehive walls and wax actually fills the ambiant air of the beehive, making the bees home the one with the purest air! This will keep the beehive air free of bacterias, airborne microbes, mold, viruses, and other pollutants. With a Propolair Propolis Diffuser, we can use this exact same principle at home. Advantages of a Propolair Propolis Diffuser 1- The most important point using a propolis diffuser is the fact that it is doing two different things all at once. The first mechanism of action is its air cleaning effect. As described above, the volatile active components of propolis will neutralize airborne microbes, bacterias, viruses and so on. The second mechanism of action is the fact that you actually breathe in those same volatile active components. Knowing that propolis has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, that is an excellent immune booster and that it has Natural Product Allegation in Canada that recommends its usage orally to prevent and reduce flu-like symptoms, the fact that you actually breath in those properties does a lot to benefit your respiratory system. We have lots of testimonials outlining the positive impact of Propolair Propolis Diffuser for many respiratory problems. The best model that allows you to benefit from this second mechanism of action is from far the Propol Therapy, model A4. This model has an "aerosol" mode and a tube/mask kit included that gives you the option to breathe in directly those volatile active components when needed. 2- Some Propolair Propolis Diffusers have an integrated fan, which you can turn on or off on the A4 model (Propol Therapy). This allows your device to be effective and cover large areas of up to 60 square meters (645 square feet). This level of efficiency is incredibly good when it comes to a plain comparison with the usual low cost Aroma Diffuser. If you are looking for a whole house air purifier, this option is definitely getting closer to what you are searching for. Consider using one of those per such area and you are good to go with a really efficient and natural solution. 3- Many Propolair Propolis Diffusers have an integrated Ionizer. This is a genius addition to a regular Propolis Diffuser! Not only because it helps to get rid of dust, and solid polluting particles in your air, but mainly because it charges "negatively" the active volatile components of propolis as they leave the diffuser and allow them to target the airborne microbes, bacteria and so on much faster since they are all charged positively. This makes the air cleaning process much more efficient and much faster. 4- Unless you are making use of the integrated fan that some models have, the Propolair Propolis diffuser is very quiet and will act as a silent air purifier. This is a very good option especially when you are using it in your bedroom as you sleep. 5- If you don't like excessive perfume-like scents, you will be delighted to know that a propolis diffuser does not have a strong smell. If you are very sensitive to this, you will definitely prefer the organic propolis capsules since the regular ones have 5% of Boswellia Serrata added to them to increase their efficiency and this adds a subtil scent. 6- As many apitherapy products, propolis does not require destruction of any part of any plant. The bees harmlessly harvest it from the trees and shrubs and beekeepers harmlessly harvest it from the bees. Therefore, this is a very eco-friendly and natural way of purifying your air. 7- The use of Propolair Propolis Diffuser is proved to be very useful for all the aspects mentioned on point 1. This makes those propolis diffuser a simple product that covers lots of needs for your respiratory system. You don't have to fiddle with many different types of essential oils and so on. 8- Judging from the two mechanisms of actions we mentioned in point 1, the benefits are endless. We received testimonials that showed its efficiency for allergies, recurrent pneumonia in children, asthma and many other respiratory problems. Of course, we cannot claim that it is a remedy for all of those, but once you understand its mechanisms of action, you can figure out easily if it has a chance to answer your need. 9- These devices are designed AND made in Europe. The manufacturer is located in Italy, not in China. The standards of quality in Italy are very high and the level of ethic goes the same way. 10- Propolair being the worldwide pioneer with this type of device, they have to prove their product to be efficient, good and of really high quality. Therefore, they analyze their propolis thoroughly and they make sure it is of high quality. No need to search for hours for a quality product, it is already so. Disadvantages of a Propolair Propolis Diffuser 1- You will need to use the Propolair Propolis Capsules refills. A beekeeper could think that he will be using his own propolis. We cannot recommend that for a few reasons. The Propolis diffusers are under warranty conditional to the fact that you have to use Propolair Propolis Capsules. Also, it is difficult to make sure that your own propolis would be pure enough to allow you to breath it, even if all beekeepers are very proud of their own products. I totally understand that, being a beekeeper myself!!! Without an analysis, it remains difficult to know for sure the level of purity of your propolis. Propolis from Kontak/Propolair have been tested and approved for this use. 2- The price is usually higher than most aroma diffusers you will find on the market. An exception to this could be the model A1 which is the most affordable one. That being said, at Happy-Culture, we do our best to provide you those Propolair Propolis Diffusers at the best possible price. You are welcome to compare prices with competitors from USA, you will find that our effort in doing so is serious. Thank you very much for appreciating our work! Hope this has been useful and that it inspires you to use a Propolair Propolis Diffuser, one of the best ways to encourage bees while purifying your air and getting an immune booster through your respiratory system! This video presents 4 different parameters to consider when trying to predict where the bees are foraging. Learn what really attracts bees and find out which flower will finally get their attention and be pollinated by them.
So, other then the usual criterium which are the botanical origin of the plant, its quantity (yes, bees like to go in places where there are many flowers, they really go for abundance), its proximity, it ability to produce flowers, nectar and pollen steadily year after year and the specific nutritional value of its pollen and nectar what else should we consider to be able to find out where the bees are foraging? In this video, I'm outlining 4 parameters that you should know if you intend to either plan a permaculture design for your bees or simply want to identify the plant origin that have been used by your bees to make their honey and pollen without having to send in your honey for analysis. Of course one should consider harvesting some pollen from the beehives, simply seeing everyday the pollen they collect gives lots of information! Not always easy to identify, but it definitely is a bonus. I will let you discover those 4 parameters in the video. Thanks for watching!!! Please like, share, comment and most of all subscribe to my channel activating the notification bell so that you will know when I will publish my next apitherapy video. If you have specific apitherapy topics that you would like me to present, simply ask in the comments below the video, I'm answering all comments and I will take your wish into consideration. This video presents a practical approach on the use of medicinal and bee plants to support the health situation of beeyards as well as enhancing the quality of bee products.
I start the video by describing the two main directions a beekeeper as to choose from. The first one aims at filling a need for pollination that comes usually from the mainstream agri-industry that often uses huge monoculture fields and pesticides. The second one aims at filling a growing need for high quality bee products that is ultimately being known more and more as apitherapy. Of course, there are many in between including diverse levels of work quality on both ends, but it gives a really good idea on the perspectives faced by beekeepers. Of course, the second option is my favorite from far! When you really ponder on this option, you realize that you have to find high quality foraging area for your bees. Wherever they are located, there will always be a period of time where the abundance of food for them will grow thin. How can we help them during this period of slow food? With Dr Jessy Loranger and Dr Hannah Loranger, both specialized plant ecology and permaculture, we developed a permaculture design system that answers that question. It is tremendous work, since you need to face many different aspects in order to establish such a design: Knowing the environment where your bees live not only in terms of food source for the bees, but also in terms of soil, water (irrigation), sunlight and so on for the potential plants you will facilitate. Knowing the nectar, pollen and propolis production of the plants that suits those conditions. This sounds simple, but it is really tricky to find out, especially since many plants will adapt their nectar flow to their growing conditions! What plant is really optimal??? Knowing the easiest method to get as many of the selected plants to grow as massively as possible and finding the cheapest and fastest way to make this happen. Plus many other points that you can hardly imagine if you never reflected on such a project. I showcase one plant during the video: Thyme. I let you discover why during the video yourself! Enjoy watching! Don’t forget to like, comment, share and most importantly, subscribe to my channel activating the notification bell so that you will be warned once I publish my next apitherapy video. If you want to contact me, don’t forget that all links are shown at the beginning of this description. This video is purely made to inspire us and allow our understanding and love of the bees to grow. It aims to show how our chakras are somehow connected to the beehive.
I start the video by explaining how I came to build a small wooden cabin for bees. Actually, the first goal of this cabin is to allow my wife and I to benefit easily from the beehive air. You might have heard about beehive air therapy, it is a practice that is fairly new and on which there is very little research made. That being said, I was definitely curious to try it out myself. As I was building this nice little cabin, I came to realize that it was getting very beautiful! My wife and I even started to call it our little bees temple. The ambiance in it is so good that we even started to meditate in it. This is how the story between beehives and chakras actually started, in a meditation in this beautiful cabin. I let you discover how all this happen and how meaningful it is by watching the video. Please like, comment, share and subscribe to my channel activating the notification bell to know when I will post my next apitherapy video! What bee product will bring you the best nutritional value? From far, fresh bee pollen is the best bee product you could use to enhance your diet.
After my previous video, some of you asked for a way to tune with this amazing way of eating the bees have. The answer is fairly simple. By switching part of your diet to fresh bee pollen, you start walking on the same path as they do. That being said, there are a few things one should get familiar with before adding fresh bee pollen to its diet. I'm presenting the four main ones in this video. If you take it seriously, you should be able to deal with each one of those points and fully benefit from the wonderful nutritional value of fresh bee pollen. Here are those 4 factors: - the notion of taste - the potential for bee pollen allergy - the potential for digestive system discomfort - the triple fold notion of diet change that concerns emotional, mental "belief" and physical "digestive" habits Once you are well aware of all those points and that you feel comfortable dealing with them, the usual question that pops up in our mind is the following: "Is it ethically good to get part the bees pollen harvest?" In the video, I'm presenting to you how I came to the conclusion that yes, it is good to do it for both us and the bees. Now, don't think you already know everything about bee pollen! There is much much more to learn. I will be making other videos with more contents outlining for exemple the properties of bee pollen, best recipes and ways to eat fresh pollen, the criteria that allows you to choose a high quality bee pollen, etc... Don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe activating the notification bell in order to know when I will launch my next apitherapy video. This is my first video on my new "Happy-Culture Apitherapy" youtube channel! I'm presenting an advanced perspective of nutrition that bees are constantly teaching us. All we have to do is observe how they do and figure it out! This video is meant as an inspiring introduction to the more practical apitherapy videos that will come up soon.
There are 3 mains points regarding the special way bees are feeding: - First, they live in a world of poetry! They really do! Since they feed only on flowers, as soon as they fly out the beehive, the only thing they have in mind is "flowers". Flowers are so pretty, beautifully coloured, their perfume seems to be the origin of perfume itself, flowers are simple wonderful! Think about it for a few minutes: you fly from flower to flower, tracing your food from those paradise-like features... isn't this poetry applied to feeding? - The second point is about the peaceful nature of bees. There is only one exception, starving condition brings bees to be more agressive to protect their food source... this is what made killer bees and africanized bees so feared. Other then under high food scarcity circumstances, bees are absolutely peaceful and that shows even in their feeding behaviour. Yes, they actually eat without damaging any living being, they won't even destroy a single leaf! That is because they aim for one of the most subtil part of a plant, its flower. Then, they don't even eat the flower itself, but they go for the nectar and pollen that have been prepared specifically for them! Nothing damage! - The final point is the most amazing one! Now, everyone has this image of nutrition: we have to eat and absorb a certain form of life or at least part of a life form in order to sustain ourselves and gain the energy, the food material to remain active and keep up with our life. Well, the bees reversed this equation. When bees are feeding on a plant, harvesting pollen and nectar, they are actually pollinating that same plant, that very flower. While they do this, they don't deplete it at all, rather, they multiply the flower, the plant by pollinating it! After pollination, the flower will be able to grow into some kind of fruit containing the seeds to spread itself and multiply! So the bees, instead of depleting a form of life while feeding, they actually increase the life potential of the plant it is feeding on drastically! For some plant species, it is actually necessary to be pollinated by bees! Now, you know 3 points that makes bees a true exemple in terms of advanced nutrition!!! Of course, there are more points like the ones mentioning the high nutritional value of pollen and honey, but that is for another time. This video is simply to inspire all of us to learn even more about bees! Thank you for watching! Don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe and activate the notification bell! See you next time for another bee/apitherapy video! |